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Lego Grian (Instructions + Parts List)


Lego Mumbo Jumbo (Instructions + Parts List)


Lego GoodTimesWithScar (Instructions + Parts List)


Lego PearlescentMoon (Instructions + Parts List)


Lego Docm77 (Instructions + Parts List)


Lego Grian Egg (Instructions + Parts List)


Lego Mumbo Jumbo Egg (Instructions + Parts List)


Lego GoodTimesWithScar Egg (Instructions + Parts List)


Lego Grumbot


Lego Buttercups Grian (Instructions + Parts List)


Lego Buttercups Mumbo (Instructions + Parts List)


Lego Buttercups Scar (Instructions + Parts List)


Lego GoodTimesWithScar - Green Wood Elf (Instructions + Parts List)


Lego GoodTimesWithScar - Red Wood Elf (Instructions + Parts List)


Lego Hotguy (Instructions + Parts List)


Lego BdoubleO100 (Instructions + Parts List)



Contact Me

If you have any questions, feel free to contact me! You can contact me through my Twitter (@DrCubeYT), Discord (caleb.cb), or email ( My DMs are always open and I try to respond as fast as possible.